Wednesday, September 8, 2010

telling time

Here are some questions and statements you might use involving time.

1. What time is it?

3. When do you have to be at school?

5. Do I have enough time to finish eating?

7. What does your watch say?

9. When will you pick me up?

11. Will the movie start on time?

13. How long will the movie last?

15. When will the test begin?

17. How much time do we have before dinner?

19. Do you get time for lunch?

21. How many minutes until bed time?

23. When will we get to the park?

25. Can you kids keep quiet for a whole five minutes?

27. No, you can't.

29. See, I told you so.

2. Tell me what time it is.

4. You have to set your alarm for six o'clock.

6. Lunch will be ready at twelve-thirty.

8. The kitchen clock says it's five minutes 'til eight.

10. Pick me up right after work.

12. The movie will start at ten minutes after three.

14. The movie will last two hours and twenty-five minutes.

16. The test will begin in twelve minutes exactly!

18. I work from seven in the morning until three-thirty in the afternoon.

20. We get half an hour for lunch, from eleven-thirty 'til noon.

22. You have to go to bed in fifteen minutes.

24. We won't get to the park for another hour.

26. I'll bet I can go without talking for six minutes.

28. Yes, I can.

30. That's no fair! You cheated.

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